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1 small onion or ¼ large onion
1 lemon
several cloves garlic
¼ cup fresh ginger
1 tablespoon black peppercorn
Dash of cayenne pepper
Enough Apple Cider Vinegar to cover all ingredients
Other possible additions: fresh herbs like rosemary, thyme, mint
horseradish, jalapeno pepper, turmeric, orange peels, etc.
Chop all ingredients
Fill a mason jar
Add ACV to cover all the ingredients
Close with a lid, and store in a cool place for at least 3 weeks. Shake it daily
When ready to strain, use a mesh sieve, strain the solids from the liquid.
Pour the liquid (that's your Fire Cider!) into an air-tight vessel (like a canning jar) and store it in the fridge- it will keep for many months.
Traditionally, this drink is used to help get rid of and prevent illness. At the first sign of a cold or flu- take one to two tablespoons twice daily until your symptoms subside. For a consistent immune system boost, take one tablespoon at a time, daily to weekly.
Adding honey really transforms the flavor from tart and pungent to smooth and slightly sweet.